Saturday 10 October 2015


For sometime now, there has been speculations and reports

that following the abduction or kidnapping of Chief Olu Falae, an

elder statesman, the Yoruba and their leaders were contemplating

and agitating over what action to take against the Fulani herdsmen

in, not only, Ondo State, where the old man was kidnapped but the

entire South West.

The alleged kidnapping of the former Secretary to the Federal

Government and one time Minister of Finance, by the herdsmen in

the first place did surprise not a few Nigerians, in view of the fat that

no arrest and interrogation of any herdsman or men were made by

anybody, including the Nigeria Police and other security agencies in

the country.

So, a lot of reasonable people did not take this matter of the

allegation that the Yoruba ethnic nationality was taking or preparing

to take any umbrella decision to expel any herdsmen from any part

of Nigeria.  The allegation sounded like a movie fiction from another

wild planet.  The best way to handle such long tale was to ignore it in

the interest of your time and sanity.

Otherwise, how could any Nigerian contemplate the expulsion

from another part of Nigeria of any Nigerian to another part of it?

What could be the constitutional and national consequence of such

an action within the country as a body corporate?  For the sake of

argument let’s assume that the wild allegation were true – that it was

the herdsmen, six of them that kidnapped the Chief. Would the

action of these six demented criminals justify the blanket

repercussive action on the entire herdsmen in the South West?

Every tribe, ethnic group has her own the good, the bad and

the ugly, granted, this is a factual statement.  And that is why there

has never been and there will never be any law that will be enacted

to force people as a whole to carry any vicarious liability on behalf of

others. People will continue to bear liability for their own actions only

– either positive or negative.  This is the standard of any civilized

society. People must be assumed to be innocent until proven


One question that has been agitating my mind and I believe

most Nigerians is how did Chief Olu Falae come to the factual

conclusion that it was Fulani herdsmen who kidnapped him?  What

incontrovertible evidence did he have or put forward to Nigerians that

it was truly the herdsmen that kidnapped him?  To say they dressed

like herdsmen or spoke Fulfulde (the Fulani language) or they looked

like Fulani was not and shall never be tenable for various reasons.

Since when did it become a law that only Fulani should speak

Fulfulde, dress in any particular clothes or manner?  Under what law

did the Fulani get any different colour identity or any other identity

that is legally and lawfully exclusive to them as a mark of a tribal


It is one of the commonest thing to find better Fulfulde

speakers among the Fulani who are yet not Fulani.  There are still

those who look like the Fulani in all their physical features but are not

Fulani. There are also those who dressed like the Fulani but are not

Fulani especially during cultural displays.  There are also other tribes

that dress like the Yoruba, speak Yoruba fluently, yet they are not

Yoruba.  We also have other tribes such as the Berom, Tarok, Shuwa,

Mandingo, Tuaregs  both local and internationally who are herdsmen

but they are not Fulani.

Are the Yoruba elders telling us today that the Fulani or their

herdsmen who have lived for hundreds of years in Yoruba land who

speak the Yoruba language and have become almost entirely

absorbed in the Yoruba culture of dress, dance and other Yoruba

activities should today go out and commit any criminal activity and

the Yoruba as an ethnic group be forced to take a mortal liability for

it as a people?  The dress, the language, even the marks (meant to

identify different tribes) have failed as the marks of most tribes look

alike. As for physical attributes you need to ask people sometimes

before you know where they come from or who they are tribally or

even ethnically.

Do we need to remind these respected, educated, enlightened,

cosmopolitan and urbane Yoruba elders that the 1999 Constitution of

Nigeria clearly spelt out under Section 41(1) thus: “Every citizen of

Nigeria is entitled to move freely throughout (emphasis ours)

Nigeria and to reside in any part thereof, and no citizen of Nigeria

shall be expelled from Nigeria or refused entry thereto or exit


As Nigerians, we must try as hard as possible, no matter, our

ethnic, tribal or other differences to respect the laws of the land and

refrain from doing anything that can cause ill-feeling, disunity, ethnic

or religious crises where it is absolutely dangerous to do so like it is

in this case.  There is nowhere that the herdsmen in the South West

in general or Ondo State in particular held any tribal, ethnic or any

corporate group meeting where a decision was taken to kidnap Chief

Olu Falae or any Yoruba man or woman for that matter.

It is also true that so far there is no identity parade or security

report that identified and verified that it was the herdsmen of the

village farm of Olu Falae that kidnapped him.  Even if there were

such facts they would still be subjected to the rigours of our law

courts to establish the level of the culpability of such herdsmen, their

sponsors, if any, and their motive for such criminal act.

Even with that, there would not be any vicarious criminal

liability on anybody, including the blood relations of such criminals.

It remains a very dangerous thing to lump an entire ethnic group

together and accuse them of committing crime only six crazy and

deranged criminals committed. They should be found and be fried

for their criminal action. Yoruba, roonuu!

Sale Bayari, Former National Officer of the Myetti Allah Association,

wrote in this piece from Jos.

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