Monday 12 October 2015

Home "Alpha CONDE said he will Fulani, Palestinians in Africa," laments Christian SOW Minister of Justice, Attorney

I will continue our policy to hunting Fulani of Guinea. I will do the Fulani, the Palestinians of Africa "insists Alpha CONDE ...
For those who doubted the anti-political peuhle Alpha CONDE has and continues to have in Guinea, is now the abscess burst.
It was during a meeting held at the Presidency of the Republic this week that the new bloody Guinean Alpha CONDE released this sentence.
It is in this strategic meeting about the attack "imaginary" from his home Alpha CONDE said that despite the shadows areas more noticeable as the turn of opinion that true false incendiary attack than were tenuous at the site of the community peulhe Guinea. "I will continue our policy to hunting Fulani of Guinea. I will do the Fulani, the Palestinians of Africa "insists Alpha CONDE.

Exasperated by these remarks ethnocentric, communitarian and sectarian highly condemnable, the Minister of Justice SOW called Christian right out of the meeting, his relatives to bring them these irresponsible remarks of former fugitive Pinet.
"I defended Alpha CONDE volunteer when he was in jail with all the risks that entailed for my family, my family and myself. But I did not know and I could imagine that his struggle for power had communalist and ethnocentric overtones "laments Christian SOW.

Going back to Alpha CONDE as this is what it's all about in this paper, "the will of the number zero to make Guinean Peul Palestinian Africa simply means that he will expelled from the their land to the Malinke ethnic group of his "analysis Sekou SOUMAH editorial policy.

Remember that this is not the first time that Alpha CONDE hold of such remarks against Fulani. Indeed, already in the interwar turn, he told Abe Sylla, the president of the NGR "Abe thou art of the Lower Coast so my brother, I will sign nothing with you but just support me for that we boute Fulani off the Guinean borders. " Disappointed and exasperated by ignoble about that could not be kept as a candidate without a political project or development project, Abe Sylla has seen fit to take his distance from Alpha CONDE arguing that "his political struggle is that of improving terms of lives of our compatriots without exception and not want to chase others of their country. "
Moreover, "the ulterior objective of this" imaginary "attack on the home of Alpha CONDE is to find an excuse to liquidate the political leaders, executives and Fulani traders. Setting arrest of soldiers and civilians of other communities is to cover their tracks. All inmates of other communities will be released at the end, only the Fulani are sentenced and tortured until the end of their days, "concedes several military and judicial sources said that we have managed to reach these days.

But Guineans should not fall into the trap again Saharan dictator. [I declare: I am the winner, the Republic of Guinea will be a "settling of scores".] Today, Alpha CONDE attacks the Fulani because the political leader best placed to unseat the power of this community. Let us not forget that he also made remarks even more despicable as these in the past against Soussou and forestry.

In 1998, Alpha CONDE said "the misfortune of Guinea comes from Soussou. Once the Soussou be driven from power, Guinea live in peace. "

It's not all because when Dadis Camara was at the controls, Alpha CONDE had said on the set of a large TV station "Forest managers are human blood drinkers and eaters of human flesh."

Which, we understand the holding of such statements can only be explained by the lack of visions and programs.
About these ignoble were held in 1998 when Lansana COUNTY (from Soussou ethnic group) was in power and in 2009 when Dadis Camara (native forest) led the Guinean junta. "It is understood that Alpha CONDE is so limited in his head that confuses political leader to the community which resulted in the latter" adds Sekou SOUMAH.
In any case, one might ask:
Why is the guilty silence of Ministers of peuhle community and beyond face this ethnocentric and communal politics of Alpha CONDE?
What BAH Ousmane BARRY Rougui and others they are in this sectarian government, communitarian and ethnocentric?

The international community does stand idly facing this to the Rwandan genocide that leads Alpha CONDÉ in Guinea?

We can still hope that Christian SOW and many others cross the denunciation of ruddy in the shadows to the reporting and public disclosure media and why not?


Source of .guineebox.

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