Friday 23 October 2015

10/19/2015 morning, RFI (Radio France Internationale) woke us with this information

 The Mandinka language will now be heard in the radio from that day. The specific information that is after the introduction of Swahili and Hausa languages ​​in this radio. And that the objective is increasing the network of auditors, so that the radio is listened to by some communities of this language in its various dialects in countries: Senegal, Mali, Guinea, Gambia, Ivory Coast ... After this information at 13h 30 GMT, Yvon Amar, the presenter of the daily show "Dance of the words" in RFI always receives the three Mandinka journalists will load information and other emissions in this language spoken, they say, by 40 million people in West Africa.
So then, what each of us wonders Fulbe after becoming aware of this information is: how is it that the Fulfulde-Pulaar-Fulani-Fula (whose speakers are valued between 80 and 100 million Africa and spoken in at least twenty African countries, according to some historians and linguists), and after the third African language Swahili and Hausa, not yet introduced into RFI? What should take care? Do Tabital Pulaagu International should not do anything? Each of us has he not a role to play? Them ... We all nationalists, fighters and precursors of the Pulaar language and culture around the world ... I think we have here a whole debate ...

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