Friday, 25 September 2015

Campaign: Cellou Dalein casts a wide net in the forest before taking the high Guinea assault ...

Lola The Leader of the Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea, Diallo, has completed his campaign in the forest region by the prefectures of Beyla and Lola, before storming Upper Guinea. This Wednesday, September 23, the leader of the Guinean Opposition began his charm offensive by Beyla.

In this prefecture situated 1000 kilometers from Conakry, President UFDG and his entourage were welcomed at about 11:00 by his supporters. At the stage where prefectural Diallo held its meeting, he acknowledged that the welcome he has received this year's Lola is different from that of 2010. This demonstrates, in its view, the Guinean understood. "The Guineans do not need sectarian president," he began.

The Simandou mining was delayed by incompetence and blunders of Mr. Alpha Condé, said President UFDG to his supporters to Lola. "These projects will continue to wait because in front, investors were not someone who had the desire to shorten the suffering of the people of Guinea, but the power to exercise," stated the former Prime Minister.

Drop its company program, the candidate UFDG, said: "We will establish a state that will be the rescue of citizens and ensure their well-being," he promised, denouncing the current politicization of administration by the Power up. Before concluding his speech, Diallo, has guaranteed that once in power, the Captain Dadis, retained for five years in exile in Burkina Faso, will return to Guinea.

After Lola, the head of the UFDG and his delegation were initiated to Beyla. In all the places visited, Gbanéta, Kabakonikoni, Gbeke, Wezou, Bola, Cellou Dalein has offered himself for walkabouts. A GBEKE, he was blessed by a 133-year old who was waiting at the roadside to greet him.

A Beyla, where he was welcomed around 18 hours, for a large crowd, the former prime minister, went from the back of the spoon to denounce the power in place. "All territorial administrators were all summoned to the campaign of RPG. Because Mr. Alpha Condé has no other recourse. He does not want the Guinean expire their votes freely, "accused the opposition during the election campaign.

"What is important for me when I would be president, safety, dignity of all Guinean citizens will be ensured. You will enjoy all your rights is some ethnicity to which you belong, "revealed M Diallo, adding that we need a change in mentality for the Advancement of Guinea.

And to quote Leopold Sedar Senghor who said "silent what divides us, what unites us exalt to build a prosperous Africa". "We did not need to hate us. We need to promote brotherhood and trust, "preaches Cellou Dalein. For him, the current Head of State has missed this task. That's why he preaches, he must be given the red card 11 October. "We will through the ballot box to Alpha retired", continue the opponent.

"I do not want Guinea suffer. I want them to be united around shared values. We suffer a lot more than the injustice of hunger, "he says, before promising that he will youth its top priority once elected.

After this meeting, the leader of UFDG took the route via Zelagbela Sinko, Bakedou. A tortuous track littered with potholes and Falques waters. It was only 00 hours past that Cellou and his entourage arrive at Sinko where his supporters were waiting still. Again, the opponent is said to be reassured of his victory, promised to erect this sub-prefecture in the prefecture once in power.

Boubacar Diallo one envoy


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