Sunday 22 March 2015

Buhari on his Fulani upbringing.

"Was it also the Fulani training of perseverance? Because when you have reared cattle, for those who have been doing it, they said it toughens you… – It did.
The sun is there, the rain and you are there with your cattle… – The period was remarkable, in the sense that those who are brought up in the city have limited space. If you are in a confined school, you learn from the school and what you see immediately. But the nomad life exposes you to nature. You will never learn enough of plants, of trees, of insects and of animals. Everyday you are learning something.
You have seen them and everyday you are learning. You will never know all of them. So, it is so vast that it takes a lot of whatever you can think of. And then, the difference again in the environment. In the Savannah, in the Sahel, after harvest, you can always see as high as your eyes can go. And then, at night when there is moon, it is fantastic. So, I enjoyed those days and they made a lasting impression in me."

By Elijah Shabazz

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