Good evening
With great joy, and with a voice full of love, we are pleased to announce that the international prize (ANF INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 2018) goes to Ahmed Jamal Dicko from West Africa.
We are very fortunate to have this nice gentleman on all fronts, helping to spread la's mission which is pricipalement to serve our community, but above all to contribute to increasing humanitarian services for a better world.
Mr. Ahmed has a great ambition to travel all over the world and serve his turn. For some time in a position of a committed activist, he has defended the weak in resource, expressed his name, all for a more social and equitable justice for all. It also advocates for the epanouissement of the community, with great bias and without discrimination. It's that expressive quality that makes its strength.
The jury studied his huge commitment to anf, and praised his efforts by giving him a heartfelt tribute at the ceremony. And this gentleman's choice for anf international awards 2018 is unanimous. This humble price will never be the equivalent of man's value.
We hope to invite him to participate physically in the future anf annual award night here in New York.
And we would like to thank Malick Audacious Jatta, and Amadou Tall Peuhlthe nominees of this year for the 2018. ANF INTERNATIONAL PRIZE THEY OCCUPY 2th place for malick, and 3th place for amadou. Thank you to all members of this humanitarian organization. You Êtant here with us, and even far from your respectable countries, we make the difference that the world wants to see. Much Love

Well American New Friends is an Association which is growing bigger by day. The purpose of ANF is to facilitate easy ways for Migrants to acquire their documents when they find themselves in America. The Association is also to empower youth who intend to work for humanity. Social empowerment is the main mechanism and focus of ANF.
With great joy, and with a voice full of love, we are pleased to announce that the international prize (ANF INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 2018) goes to Ahmed Jamal Dicko from West Africa.
We are very fortunate to have this nice gentleman on all fronts, helping to spread la's mission which is pricipalement to serve our community, but above all to contribute to increasing humanitarian services for a better world.
Mr. Ahmed has a great ambition to travel all over the world and serve his turn. For some time in a position of a committed activist, he has defended the weak in resource, expressed his name, all for a more social and equitable justice for all. It also advocates for the epanouissement of the community, with great bias and without discrimination. It's that expressive quality that makes its strength.
The jury studied his huge commitment to anf, and praised his efforts by giving him a heartfelt tribute at the ceremony. And this gentleman's choice for anf international awards 2018 is unanimous. This humble price will never be the equivalent of man's value.
We hope to invite him to participate physically in the future anf annual award night here in New York.
And we would like to thank Malick Audacious Jatta, and Amadou Tall Peuhlthe nominees of this year for the 2018. ANF INTERNATIONAL PRIZE THEY OCCUPY 2th place for malick, and 3th place for amadou. Thank you to all members of this humanitarian organization. You Êtant here with us, and even far from your respectable countries, we make the difference that the world wants to see. Much Love