Friday 24 February 2017

Mali: Victims of murder-murders-exactions-theft of cattle: Fulani denounce the laxity of the State

Denounce the absence of the State in several localities. Condemn the serious human rights abuses perpetrated against the peoples. Rebel against amalgam. Describe the treatment of information from the international media. Deploring the arbitrary arrest of innocent people. Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of those arrested in the central and southern parts of the country ... The peoples' associations were reassembled as a whole against the lax attitude of the state in the management of the situation of the peculiar communities in the regions of Mopti And Ségou. It was Saturday, February 18, 2017, in the conference room of the press house. The members of the association of friends of the culture of the "Tabital Pulaaku" culture took to witness the national and foreign press on all these abuses lived by their parents.

The joint press conference was hosted by the President of Tabital Pulaaku-Mali, Abdoul Aziz Diallo, assisted by his Deputy Chairman, the Honorable Idrissa Allaye Sankaré, as well as representatives of Mali's other associations, Boubacar Cissé, Abdoulaye Dicko and Mrs. Haidara Aminata Dicko.

The President of the Islamic High Council, Imam Mahamoud Dicko, the President of the High Council of the Malian Diaspora, Chérif Mohamad Haïdara, the notables, Peulh communities and cadres attended the conference.

Configuration and menu: calm atmosphere, security forces, Fatiha, presentation of the security situation of Mali from 2012 to the present day.
Unsurprisingly, it was the tragic events in Ké-Macina on Sunday 12 February 2017 that dominated the debates during the day that the President of Tabital Pulaaku-Mali called a day of anger, sadness and discernment. According to Abdoul Aziz Diallo, the Ké-Macina killings are far from being an inter-communal confrontation. For him, these are attacks that have caused the death of dozens of people including pregnant women, children who have been charred. "We hurt, we have long suffered, suffered in our dear and in our bodies. And this is because of the looting, the sequestration, the arrests of our populations. And today, it is an opportunity to come out and denounce these acts of violence against the peoples communities across Mali. Yes, the Fulhs have suffered, because of the amalgam! Innocents, sick people, old people are arrested and assimilated to jihadists. We can not confuse all Peuls with Amadou Kouffa and the Macina Liberation Front, which we regard as creations, "he said.
After expressing his deepest condolences to the bereaved families of Ké-Macina and Dialloubé and wishing for speedy recovery to the wounded, Abdoul Aziz Diallo said he was willing to collaborate with the authorities to ensure peace in the Mopti region.

For the vice president of Tabital Pulaaku-Mali, the Honorable Idrissa Allaye Sankaré, the word confrontation is not at all appropriate in this context: "A group of ethnic groups rose and returned to the bush and s' Is put to murder all that is Peulh or that resembles a Peulh, without distinction ".

According to him, no investigation has been carried out to locate the responsibilities. Yet, he continued, the state must assume in order to put an end to the reflection that all Peulh is jihadist. Hon. Sankaré says the government has shown its limits. "The only solution to this problem is that the Fulani must defend themselves and by all means," he said.

Youssouf Samaké

Saturday 11 February 2017

Ranking Gambia Fulani fitness Singer

FulaManding is a Gambian versatile artist started music 9 years ago. He recorded so many track within the years and his music has international travel to the globe. FulaManding is an Artist who mostly sing in fula and madinka. Who's tribes is said to be a Fulani
, originally from the central/upper part of the country Bansang/Basse. FulaManding has so many tracks likely to 20 or more but didn't still release an Album or mix tape. But according to FulaManding the reason why he's still yet to produce an Album or mix tape is two things he mentioned, one lack of financial support and a good management since in the beginning. He stated two he is not that in a hurry of putting himself into a profit less contract. He stated that he is really looking forward to work with the right people for his Album. He also mentioned that the best way to get what you want is to be perseverance and wait for the right time. He said He did so many projects, songs with live instruments and videos as well. Which most of the time he finance for himself. I asked him about the relationship between him and the fulbeh Africa, As he is a fulbeh Africa Ambassador, He replied that fulbeh Africa is his family which he is part of and very proud of. He started that his relationship with fulbeh Africa is now going to three years and it's becoming more stronger every year as the organization is growing bigger too. I later ask how he begins with this family. He replies, the link was brought by a brother and a friend a member of the fulbeh Africa and also the former president of his humble fans club who recently stays in abroad for studies and he is Edie Baldeh whom he promised never to forget, and has done a lot for him FulaManding, he started. Inclusion I asked him when is he actually ready to produce the Album. He said very soon insaa Allah, he is just looking forward good links and support from any good direction especially on financially. He started that full Album Tracks are written down different from