Wednesday 17 January 2024

The original Fulani appear to have been fairly widespread in North and Saharan Africa from a very ancient period

 The original Fulani appear to have been fairly widespread in North and Saharan Africa from a very ancient period. They are probably mentioned in northern Algeria or what was considered Mauritania Caesarea as the Fulitani or Barzu Fulitani on the late 4th map of Julius Honorius (Mommsen 1867, p. 28 and 62). They are also mentioned as having come down a few centuries later from the Tichit region by the Tariq es-Sudan written in the 1600s. They, thus are likely the Warith/Wariz (a probable variant of Barzu) said to have been pushed down from the Mauretanian Adrar region by the Arab Quraishi conqueror, Uqba ibn Nafi and converted to Islam.

As for the Banu Warith or Waritan of the medeival period, they are described as a  clan of the Sanhaja or of the Geddula or Banu Joddala Berbers ( the latter were considered by that time a branch of the Sanhaja) by Arabized writers such as Ibn Hawqal and El Bekri and others. (Levtsion and Hopkins, 2000, pp. 50, 67, 237; Palmer, 1970, p. 61)     

By the 10th century and 11th century Fulani were living amongst several peoples of other Nilo-Saharan groups who had mixed with and adopted the dialect of Niger-Congo groups in kingdoms of the Sudan. The Fulani gradually spread as far east as Ethiopia where they are known as Bororo and from Mauretania across Senegambia along the West African costs and savannah they spread to places like the Ivory Coast, Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso, but appear to have been the same adversaries appearing in ancient Egyptian tomb paintings of the time of Seti and called Tjehenu.

Many of the groups that today speak the Fulbe, Fulfulde or Pulaagu dialects are in fact a mixture of the original Fula or Fulitani and these various Songhai and Mande ethnic groups. They are also associated with the people and place name Futa or Futabe.  A good example of such groups are the Toucouleur, formed and perhaps named from the Takruri and Fulani who had come to occupy the region of Futa Toro and Futa Jallon. In the northern Sahel and Sahara the group preserving the earliest Fulani lifestyle are known in Western texts “Wodaabe”a variant of the earlier Futa-be. 

 Although the Fulani had been mainly vassals in the early Sudanic kingdoms of Songhai and Ghana, by the 1500s the Fulani were at Macina/Massina in the Middle Niger river region in Mali. They are associated with coming to occupy and dominate the Empire called Sokoto and kingdom of Bornu originally founded by peoples of Nilo-Saharan and Tuareg ethnicity.

The origins of the Fulani have stir some lasting controversy over the last several decades due to their physical appearance or phenotype, Arabic records concerning their origins, the presence of Zebu cattle thought to be native to India, certain inconsistencies with regard to their phenotype and their current linguistic affinities which were thought to not match their phenotype. Due to European colonialist ideas about indigenous African origins and especially North African “racial” origins, the notion has gradually evolved – as it has with the Tuareg and other dark-skinned Africans once prevalent in North Africa -  that their ethnic roots were “enigmatic” or “unknown”. Yet, in fact, the earliest Fulani were one of the few peoples for which there is an abundance of evidence for origins in the Sahara oases and North Africa since the Neolithic. The evidence is both archeological and anthropological and tends to show that original Fulani population belonged to a group of neolithic pastoralists in the central and northern Sahara who were spread to Kharga, Kerma and possibly further east in Africa in later times. They appear to have been among the first people to be known to ancient Egyptians as under the names Tjehenu or Temehou.

Their presence in stone age north Africa probably led to contact with other groups as far back as the late stone age which has led to their current so–called non-African features such as notably lengthy and less frizzly hair than other west African tribes and perhaps the introduction of a curvature to their innately narrow long noses.

As for the current linguistic situation of the Fulani, it should be said that there are many peoples in Africa that over the past 2,000 years have adopted dialects foreign to their own that subsequently evolved into newer forms. This has happened for various reasons, often due to trade or immigration.  A good example is the current situation of North Africa where many groups of varied ethnicity and diverse biological origin over the last 2,000 years have adopted either the Arabic or Berber dialects and claim either Arabic or Berber origin or nationality today.

At one time Berbers themselves were said to have been largely “Romanized” while now it appears descendants of Romans, Vandals, Scythians, Central Asians and other peoples who have settled in North Africa (or have otherwise been brought in) have themselves been somewhat Berberized and Arabized through admixture and adopting of certain linguistic and cultural patterns and mores.

The Nilo-Saharans are an example of indigenous Africans who are known to have mixed with and adopted Niger-Congo dialects of the Atlantic branch, becoming the Sarakholle, Serer, Soninke, Djallonke, Jahanke and other groups now designated “Mande” or “Mandinke”. Thus, the fact that certain groups now speak a specific dialect doesn’t always say much about their cultural origins.      

Due largely to Fulani physical appearance and culture, early colonial observers viewed them as part of an imagined great warlike “Caucasoid” race near black in complexion which they called “hamitic” that had amalgamated with what they called  “Negro” tribes. This idea was spurred and bolstered by the fact that when colonialists first encountered Fulani in the Sudan they were often viewed by other Africans as a separate, lighter-skinned caste in places like the region of Massina where they were even described as “whites” by their own and in Arabic writings (a description that is used in Africa for many black African groups that are somewhat dark brown in tint rather than black or brown black).

Furthermore, in many places there was a certain ethnic rivalry between Fulani and other groups as is common between more nomadic and more settled agricultural peoples in Africa. And these tensions (which haven’t completely disappeared in Africa since they were aggravated by European colonialist notions) in various regions was often attributed to “racial “differences between the “lighter-skinned” “nobles’ of “hamitic stock” and the so-called “black African” or “Negro” agriculturalists.

Of course Africa is made up of diverse populations of various complexion and phenotype from the yellow brown of the San and Kung Bushmen to the blue black of some Nilotic groups, and copper or bronze brown of certain Fulani and Beja. None of these groups can obviously be considered more black or African than the other as each has specialized development that has led to their particular phenotype.

That being said, it is true that the Fulani especially the northern Fulani like the Woodabe often have a lighter caste to their skin than African tribes they live amongst and very often preserve features that are similar to the Nilo-Saharans and Cushitic speakers further much further east. The latter also often have a complexion that is often more of a dark copper brown than it is black brown. Still the Fulani were and are one of the major African groups contributing to the ancestry of blacks in the Americas (until recently known as “Negroes”), a fact that is now being confirmed by genetics, but was already established from colonial records in the U.S. and elsewhere. Thus, the conception of them as a “non-black” African group, as had been commonly suggested was a bit silly to entertain – and disingenuous, to say the least.

Fulani came in large numbers to America during the Atlantic slave trade and have been said by scholar Sterling Stuckey to have greatly influenced the cowboy and cattle culture in the United States. They have been cattle and sheep herdsmen for thousands of years and have kept many traditions alive. Herdsmen often affectionately name each member of their herd and know each by name. Cattle were not slaughtered for their  meat, but useful for their milk and other things. Long ago the ancestors of the Fulani and related people came to make the cow a symbolic of their gods in the Sahara and along the Nile.

Abdul-Rahman had been a student at Timbuktu (Tin Buqti) even then a world famous capital of learning in Mali. But he fell into hard times after serving as a leader in battle under his father against an enemy tribe. After being ambushed by his enemies with some of his war party on the way back to his father, he was sold as a prisoner of war by an enemy tribe. Like numerous other Fulani - Abdul-Rahman was brought to America by slavers. The year was 1788, and he was 26 years old. He spent the next 40 years as a slave and slave overseer in Mississippi. He won his freedom and liberated his family moving to Liberia where he fell ill and died only a few months later.

Friday 6 April 2018

Fulani's World join us to congratulation to our Fulani brother DICKO JAMAL award

Good evening

With great joy, and with a voice full of love, we are pleased to announce that the international prize (ANF INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 2018) goes to Ahmed Jamal Dicko from West Africa.

We are very fortunate to have this nice gentleman on all fronts, helping to spread la's mission which is pricipalement to serve our community, but above all to contribute to increasing humanitarian services for a better world.

Mr. Ahmed has a great ambition to travel all over the world and serve his turn. For some time in a position of a committed activist, he has defended the weak in resource, expressed his name, all for a more social and equitable justice for all. It also advocates for the epanouissement of the community, with great bias and without discrimination. It's that expressive quality that makes its strength.

The jury studied his huge commitment to anf, and praised his efforts by giving him a heartfelt tribute at the ceremony. And this gentleman's choice for anf international awards 2018 is unanimous. This humble price will never be the equivalent of man's value.
We hope to invite him to participate physically in the future anf annual award night here in New York.

And we would like to thank Malick Audacious Jatta, and Amadou Tall Peuhlthe nominees of this year for the 2018. ANF INTERNATIONAL PRIZE THEY OCCUPY 2th place for malick, and 3th place for amadou. Thank you to all members of this humanitarian organization. You Êtant here with us, and even far from your respectable countries, we make the difference that the world wants to see. Much Love 
Well American New Friends is an Association which is growing bigger by day. The purpose of ANF is to facilitate easy ways for Migrants to acquire their documents when they find themselves in America. The Association is also to empower youth who intend to work for humanity. Social empowerment is the main mechanism and focus of ANF.

Sunday 6 August 2017


Yesterday FULANI YOUTH ASSOCIATION OF GHANA (FUYAG) has successfully donated these items to a clinic and police at Asutuare Junction in the Shai Osudoku District. The items are Benches, plastic chairs, beds and desktop computer.
Kudos to the members and the community at large, Insha Allah we will continue doing this goodwill gesture throughout Ghana.
by Diallo Idris Sambo

Friday 24 February 2017

Mali: Victims of murder-murders-exactions-theft of cattle: Fulani denounce the laxity of the State

Denounce the absence of the State in several localities. Condemn the serious human rights abuses perpetrated against the peoples. Rebel against amalgam. Describe the treatment of information from the international media. Deploring the arbitrary arrest of innocent people. Calling for the immediate and unconditional release of those arrested in the central and southern parts of the country ... The peoples' associations were reassembled as a whole against the lax attitude of the state in the management of the situation of the peculiar communities in the regions of Mopti And Ségou. It was Saturday, February 18, 2017, in the conference room of the press house. The members of the association of friends of the culture of the "Tabital Pulaaku" culture took to witness the national and foreign press on all these abuses lived by their parents.

The joint press conference was hosted by the President of Tabital Pulaaku-Mali, Abdoul Aziz Diallo, assisted by his Deputy Chairman, the Honorable Idrissa Allaye Sankaré, as well as representatives of Mali's other associations, Boubacar Cissé, Abdoulaye Dicko and Mrs. Haidara Aminata Dicko.

The President of the Islamic High Council, Imam Mahamoud Dicko, the President of the High Council of the Malian Diaspora, Chérif Mohamad Haïdara, the notables, Peulh communities and cadres attended the conference.

Configuration and menu: calm atmosphere, security forces, Fatiha, presentation of the security situation of Mali from 2012 to the present day.
Unsurprisingly, it was the tragic events in Ké-Macina on Sunday 12 February 2017 that dominated the debates during the day that the President of Tabital Pulaaku-Mali called a day of anger, sadness and discernment. According to Abdoul Aziz Diallo, the Ké-Macina killings are far from being an inter-communal confrontation. For him, these are attacks that have caused the death of dozens of people including pregnant women, children who have been charred. "We hurt, we have long suffered, suffered in our dear and in our bodies. And this is because of the looting, the sequestration, the arrests of our populations. And today, it is an opportunity to come out and denounce these acts of violence against the peoples communities across Mali. Yes, the Fulhs have suffered, because of the amalgam! Innocents, sick people, old people are arrested and assimilated to jihadists. We can not confuse all Peuls with Amadou Kouffa and the Macina Liberation Front, which we regard as creations, "he said.
After expressing his deepest condolences to the bereaved families of Ké-Macina and Dialloubé and wishing for speedy recovery to the wounded, Abdoul Aziz Diallo said he was willing to collaborate with the authorities to ensure peace in the Mopti region.

For the vice president of Tabital Pulaaku-Mali, the Honorable Idrissa Allaye Sankaré, the word confrontation is not at all appropriate in this context: "A group of ethnic groups rose and returned to the bush and s' Is put to murder all that is Peulh or that resembles a Peulh, without distinction ".

According to him, no investigation has been carried out to locate the responsibilities. Yet, he continued, the state must assume in order to put an end to the reflection that all Peulh is jihadist. Hon. Sankaré says the government has shown its limits. "The only solution to this problem is that the Fulani must defend themselves and by all means," he said.

Youssouf Samaké

Saturday 11 February 2017

Ranking Gambia Fulani fitness Singer

FulaManding is a Gambian versatile artist started music 9 years ago. He recorded so many track within the years and his music has international travel to the globe. FulaManding is an Artist who mostly sing in fula and madinka. Who's tribes is said to be a Fulani
, originally from the central/upper part of the country Bansang/Basse. FulaManding has so many tracks likely to 20 or more but didn't still release an Album or mix tape. But according to FulaManding the reason why he's still yet to produce an Album or mix tape is two things he mentioned, one lack of financial support and a good management since in the beginning. He stated two he is not that in a hurry of putting himself into a profit less contract. He stated that he is really looking forward to work with the right people for his Album. He also mentioned that the best way to get what you want is to be perseverance and wait for the right time. He said He did so many projects, songs with live instruments and videos as well. Which most of the time he finance for himself. I asked him about the relationship between him and the fulbeh Africa, As he is a fulbeh Africa Ambassador, He replied that fulbeh Africa is his family which he is part of and very proud of. He started that his relationship with fulbeh Africa is now going to three years and it's becoming more stronger every year as the organization is growing bigger too. I later ask how he begins with this family. He replies, the link was brought by a brother and a friend a member of the fulbeh Africa and also the former president of his humble fans club who recently stays in abroad for studies and he is Edie Baldeh whom he promised never to forget, and has done a lot for him FulaManding, he started. Inclusion I asked him when is he actually ready to produce the Album. He said very soon insaa Allah, he is just looking forward good links and support from any good direction especially on financially. He started that full Album Tracks are written down different from

Friday 29 April 2016

Nigeria: They are not Fulani Herdsmen, It is Planned Ethnic Cleansing, Wake up IDIOTS - By Ogbo Ogbo


They are not "Fulani herdsmen!!!!!!!!!" 

••• Fulani herdsmen? Liars!

It's called the "Trojan Horse!" strategy,  people!
There's something bigger than those cows on your highways and forests!
Never have we had as many cowards in the Nigerian media and "civil rights movement" as we do today!!! No more voice of influence! Gone are the Ganis, the Dele Giwas ... only the federal appointment-seeking, Twitter handle warriors remain.

Cowards! The media won't use the politically incorrect words such as "ethnic cleansing," "mass murder" and "religious persecution" even though those are exactly the three things happening right now in Nigeria!!!!

••• And crazy self seeking "men of God" are busy telling us to speak well of Nigeria because "our words are affecting Nigeria!" Nonsense! "Woe to those who call evil good!" declares the Scripture. The foundation of God's throne is RIGHTEOUSNESS and JUSTICE (Psalm 97.)

Life in the "Middle Belt" is almost snuffed out, there's ZERO protection for the Middle Belt either from Nigeria, African Union or the United Nations. The poor people of the Middle Belt sleep and wake up daily in the zip codes of death by "Fulani herdsmen."

••• The infiltration of the ancestral lands of the East is complete! Their settlements and huts litter every forest in Eastern Nigeria. It's no different in Ogun and Ondo States. The rural lands of Edo State are soaked with their cow dung. It's a well articulated, well funded mission!
Even my small cassava farm back home was surrounded and the crops destroyed by the AK-47 wielding "Fulani herdsmen." Who gave these illiterates such sophisticated weapons? Who trained them to use them?

What's more? The constitutional backing for the "Fulani herdsmen" impunity is almost through at the National Assembly. It's called the "National Grazing Reserves and Stock Routes." (For 'National,' read "Fulani!") That would officially allocate the Fulani our ancestral lands from sokoto down to Port Harcourt... and no one, not even your ancestral spirits will stop them thereafter. Very neat! And once your land is grabbed, your existence, your identity is expired ... because you can't live in the atmosphere. You're not a bird.

Fulani Herdsmen with Guns
••• Right now, whether in Ogun, Abia, Ondo, Edo, Delta, Ebonyi, Enugu or Benue, if your village makes the mistake of telling the 'Fulani herdsmen,' "Don't pass through our farmland, you're destroying our crops," or "Stop raping our women," that's when you'll understand the full wrath of the Ogas at the top! Those boys know that "our own man is now in charge."
Wake up, idiots! We're at war - government-backed war! And this one is worse than the first! Because your legal defender is your murderer!
People, speak up!!! The hands of the clock are at 11:58!
Have you heard the word "Referendum?" May be the only light in the tunnel right now!!

Source of

Buhari breaks silence, orders ‘herdsmen’ brought to justice

President Muhammadu Buhari has reacted to the recent upsurge in communal violence by suspected herdsmen, and has ordered the police and the military to “take all necessary action to stop the carnage”.
Mr. Buhari’s directive, Wednesday, followed the latest attack, on Monday, in Ukpabi Nimbo, a community in Enugu State, where dozens of people were reportedly killed by heavily armed herdsmen.
An earlier attack in Agatu, Benue State, in March, killed over 100 people, locals said.
Mr. Buhari has been accused of not responding firmly to the attacks that have spread to other states, and has been widely criticised for his silence.
The Minister of Information, Lai Mohammed, said on Monday the government was working “silently” to end the carnage.
In a statement Wednesday, signed by presidential spokesperson, Garba Shehu, Mr. Buhari said stopping the violence was now a priority for his administration.
Read his full statement:
Following continuing reports of attacks by “herdsmen” on communities across the country, particularly Monday’s attack on Ukpabi Nimbo in Enugu State, President Muhammadu Buhari assures all Nigerians, once again, of his administration’s continued commitment to ensuring the safety of lives and property in all parts of the country.
President Buhari unreservedly condemns the attack on Ukpabi Nimbo and other such acts of extreme violence against communities in other states of the Federation.
Acting on the president’s directive, the Inspector-General of Police and heads of the nation’s other security agencies are already taking urgent steps to fully investigate the attacks, apprehend the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
Ending the recent upsurge of attacks on communities by herdsmen reportedly armed with sophisticated weapons is now a priority on the Buhari Administration’s agenda for enhanced national security and the Armed Forces and Police have clear instructions to take all necessary action to stop the carnage.
In keeping with the President’s directive, the Inspector-General of Police, the General Officer Commanding the 82nd Division of the Nigerian Army and the Director of the Department of State Security in Enugu State have visited Ukpabi Nimbo to personally oversee investigations into the attack on the community and ongoing efforts to apprehend the culprits.
Meanwhile, President Buhari is scheduled to meet with Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi later today to receive further briefing on the attack on Ukpabi Nimbo and discuss additional measures to forestall similar attacks and restore public confidence.
The President urges all Nigerians to remain calm and assured of his administration’s readiness to deploy all required personnel and resources to remove this new threat to the collective security of the nation.
Source of